Rakhshani Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Holotype section: None (great lateral variations). Hypo: Rakhshani area, eastern Dalbandin valley. Author: Hunting Survey Corporation, 1960. (yet to be formalized by SCP). Reference section: None.
Lithology and Thickness
Sandy claystone and Volcanics. In the suggested reference section, it consists of shale and sandstone with some grey to black, clayey and fine-grained limestone beds common in the lower part. Conglomerate, lava flows of basaltic and andesitic composition, tuffs and volcanic agglomerates are essential ingredients of the formation. The shale is light to dark green, maroon and olive, grey and normally contains volcanic material. In Raskoh Range, the shale is calcareous, while at Nuhli Koh it is khaki, fissile and sandy. The sandstone is medium to coarse grained or gritty and it also contains volcanic material, the sandstone is light greenish brown to dark green on fresh surface and dark green or brown on weathered surface.
Thickness: 150-2,400 m. It has an extremely variable thickness, which generally ranges from 150-1,600 m. However, thickest exposures are to the south of Robat where it is more than 2,400 m thick.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Conformably underlain by Humai Fm in Chagai and Dalbandin areas, and by Kuchakki Fm volcanic group in Raskoh Range. In Gidar Dhor Valley, its lower contact is transitional with the underlying Parh Limestone Fm.
Upper contact
Conformably? overlain by Kharan Fm and Saindak Fm in the Chagai Eruptive Zone, and by Ghazij Gr in the Gidar Dhor Valley.
Regional extent
The formation is widely distributed in the C-RMP and the Arenaceous Zone of the Axial Belt.
It has yielded fairly good assemblage of foraminifers, bivalves, gastropods, algae and rare coelentrata. Foraminifers: Alveolina vredenburgi, Flosculina globosa, Miscellanea miscella, Saudia labyrinthica, etc., indicate a Paleocene age. Danian fossils such as Venericardia sp. cf. V. (Cardita) beaumonti, Pyrazus sp. cf.. P. Buddha, Pseudoglauconia lossoni, etc. are reported from the lower beds of the formation.
Depositional setting
The rocks of the formation are possibly all of marine origin, with conglomerates being laid down close to the source.
Additional Information